Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Airedale terrier owners

The dog owner does not as a rule think it 
worth while to post himself on the history and
points of the breed. He has heard the praises
sung of " the biggest and best terrier," and has
decided that he is the dog he wants. If that is
all he wants let him get some friend to give him
an Airedale puppy or let him buy one as cheaply
as he can, but he is going to lose half the pleas-
ure of owning a good dog of a good breed.
Merrinac, the best known maitre d'armes in
France, once said to a party of American fencers
that it was the romance of the sword that made
fencing so fascinating to its devotees, and there
is romance in the history of the Airedale that
weaves its charm round an Airedale owner.
Whatever we know well is interesting and won-
derful, and a knowledge of the Airedale's past
and his points, which is an absolute necessity to
the kennel owner, adds one hundred per cent, to
the dog owner's pleasure.
The wise dog owner then will learn all he can
about his breed. "Book larnin' " is good, but
better still are talks with all sorts and conditions
of Airedale owners and a visit to an Airedale
kennel or the ringside at a dog show when the
breed is being judged. No men ride their hob-
bies harder than dog fanciers, and all will talk
and from all can something be learned.
When one has learned something about Aire-
dales let him then buy his dog. It is best to buy
a dog about six months old old enough to be
over puppy ills and not too old to learn new
tricks. A puppy of that age, over distemper and
house broken, is as satisfactory as it is possible
for a pup to be. Bringing up a terrier puppy is
hard on one's shoes, the ladies' hats, and every-
one's disposition, but it is much more satisfac-
tory to train him yourself in the ways you would
have him go.

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